Every person has to face this reality declared in Romans 3:23 : “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” In one way or another, we have all ignored God’s will for us and chosen to go our own way.
But, because of Jesus, our sin doesn’t have to define us or be a source of ongoing shame. Jesus came to give up His life for each of us. His death was the payment we deserved for our sin against God, and He did this so we could be set free from the burden of sin and choose to live freely for God instead!
This is what “grace” is! Grace being given something you don’t deserve. None of us can ever do enough to earn God’s forgiveness, so instead Jesus paid the price for us once and for all,.
Here at True North, we would love to meet you, tell you more about God’s grace, and show you the same kind of grace God has so abundantly given to us! Feel free to contact us or come visit us for one of our Sunday worship services.
In his “Exploring Our Foundations” sermon series, Pastor Scott describes what we mean by Extending Grace.